Subsistence pc game commands
Subsistence pc game commands

subsistence pc game commands

Subsistence pc game commands code#

LONGLOG – Outputs a long log message to test the buffer resize code used for the log.HITCH – Tells the engine to simulate a hitch in the game by sleeping for one second.GPF - tells the engine to simulate a general protection fault.EATMEM - Tells the engine to simulate eating up all available system memory.CRASH - Tells the engine to simulate a fatal crash.BUFFEROVERRUN – Tells the engine to performa stack overflow test.ASSERT – Tells the engine to simulate an Assert being triggered.DEBUG - Is used to simulate various errors with the following parameters identifying which.CUSTOMLODDATA – Set a custom level of detail to use for static meshes.COUNTDISBALEDPARTICLEITEMS – Outputs the number of disabled particle systems, lod levels, and modules.CONFIGHASH - Displays configuration information.COLLAPSEOCTREE – Collapses tree children in the octree.CLOSEEDITORVIEWPORT – Closes the PIE viewport.CANCELMATINEE – Skips current matinee parameter is the number of seconds into the matinee the player must be before the command will work.VERBOSE – Outputs detailed information.ANALYZEOCTREE – Outputs information about the octree.STREAMMAP – Does a prepare and commit map change on the URL.START - similar to OPEN, difference is it does a TRAVEL_Absolute instead of TRAVEL_Partial.SERVERTRAVEL - travels the client to the server by the name/address of the string that comes immediately after.RECONNECT - reconnects the client to the current game/server.OPEN - tells the engine to open a map by the name of the string that comes immediately after, including any additional URL Parameters (via command-line arguments) uses TRAVEL_Partial.

subsistence pc game commands subsistence pc game commands

EXIT - tells the engine to shutdown and close the application.DISCONNECT - disconnects the client from the current game/server.CANCEL - tells the engine to cancel an in progress connection attempt.The following is a list of engine supported console commands.

Subsistence pc game commands